Monday, December 22, 2003
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1. Winnicott viewed transitional object as a source of art &creativity F
2. The name of Eric Berne is associated with the concept catastrophic reaction F transactional analysis
3. Minuchin described the concept of good enough mother F
4. Carl Jung referred to the major task of adult development as individuation T
5. According to Winnicott the primary motivational drive of a person is to seek relationship with others T object relation theory
6. Psychodrama is the psychological understanding of a famous play F
7. Carl Rogers was the founder of client – centred therapy T
8. According to psychoanalytic theory, dream work involves Condensation T
9. According to psychoanalytic theory, dream work involves Sublimation F
10. According to psychoanalytic theory, dream work involves Idealisation F
11. According to psychoanalytic theory, dream work involves Displacement T
12. According to psychoanalytic theory, dream work involves splitting F
13. Goffman suggested that learning the inmate role begins with role stripping T
14. Goffman suggested that batch living requires core & cluster development F
15. Goffman suggested that a psychodynamic approach prevents institutionalisation F
16. Goffman suggested that total institutions are characterised by binary management T
17. Goffman suggested that not all mental Hospitals are total institutions T
18. Transitional object is the good enough mother of winnicott F
19. Transitional object can be a toy which the child carries with him T
20. Transitional object is pathological F
21. Transitional object is the internal image of an object F
22. Transitional object was first described by Winnicott T
23. The name of Winnicott is associated with transitional object T
24. The name of Perls is associated with Gestalt psychology T
25. The name of Moreno is associated with psychodrama T
26. The name of Freud is associated with ego psychology F Heinz Hartman
27. The name of Klein is associated with depressive position T
28. fixation at the Anal stage of psycho-sexual development is associated with homosexuality F
29. fixation at the Anal stage of psycho-sexual development is associated with parsimony T
30. fixation at the Anal stage of psycho-sexual development is associated with orderliness T
31. fixation at the Anal stage of psycho-sexual development is associated with OCD T
32. fixation at the Anal stage of psycho-sexual development is associated with attention seeking behaviour F
33. Counter transference is the therapist’s emotional reaction to the patient T
34. Counter transference can give useful information about the emotional state of the patient T
35. Counter transference should always be explained to the patient F
36. Counter transference is therapeutically useful in rehabilitation F
37. Counter transference is a reaction why the therapist should have his own analysis T
38. In a psychotherapy group the leader should promote the establishment of a small ideal democratic society
39. In a psychotherapy group the leader should enhance interpersonal learning T
40. In a psychotherapy group the leader should only intervene if things got out of hand F
41. In a psychotherapy group the leader should stop the development of group culture F
42. In a psychotherapy group the leader should prevent idealisation T
43. Total institutions were described by Goffman T
44. Total institutions include prisons T
45. Not all Hospitals are total institutions T
46. Total institutions lead to phenomena such as open rebellion T
47. Total institutions are beneficial in most respects F
48. Features that Yalom found to be curative in group therapy include projection F
49. Features that Yalom found to be curative in group therapy include Permissiveness F
50. Features that Yalom found to be curative in group therapy include reality confrontation F
51. Features that Yalom found to be curative in group therapy include Altruism T
52. Features that Yalom found to be curative in group therapy include Catharsis T
53. Institutional neurosis was described by Burton F
54. Wing described a variation in secondary handicap in different hospitals depending on staff attitudes T
55. Binary management is a method of reducing the adverse effects of institutionalisation F
56. Secondary handicap was described by Wing T
57. Projective identification is a defence mechanism T
58. Projective identification is both conscious & unconscious F
59. Projective identification is the main defence in narcissistic personality T
60. Projective identification is the main defence in paranoid personality T
61. Projective identification can lead to depression
62. In psychoanalytic terms hysterical conversion symptoms serve to reduce conscious anxiety T
63. In psychoanalytic terms hysterical conversion symptoms are a symbolic expression of neurotic conflict T
64. In psychoanalytic terms hysterical conversion symptoms are produced by unconscious mechanisms T
65. In psychoanalytic terms hysterical conversion symptoms occur only in hysterical personalities F
66. In psychoanalytic terms hysterical conversion symptoms are mediated through autonomic nervous system F
67. In psychoanalytic therapy Ventilation suggests resistance F
68. In psychoanalytic therapy Forgetfulness suggests resistance T
69. In psychoanalytic therapy Evasion suggests resistance T
70. In psychoanalytic therapy Free association suggests resistance F
71. In psychoanalytic therapy Denial suggests resistance T
72. Transference Phenomena should always be interpreted F
73. Transference Phenomena occur only in psychoanalysis F
74. Transference Phenomena are ignored in Malan’s brief psychotherapy F
75. Transference Phenomena are wide spread in professional caring relationships T
76. Transference Phenomena never occur in behaviour therapy F
77. Ego deals with outside world T
78. Ego is partially unconscious T
79. Ego super ego is completely unconscious F
80. Ego is formed when primary thinking process changes to secondary thinking process F
81. Ego can be conceptually seen as related to cortical function
82. In psychoanalysis all dreams must be analysed F
83. In psychoanalysis dreams are unfulfilled wishes T
84. In psychoanalysis dreams are the guardian of sleep T
85. In psychoanalysis dreams content relate to recent experience T
86. In psychoanalysis dreams are always pathological F
87. Defence mechanisms include denial T
88. Defence mechanisms include splitting T
89. Defence mechanisms include identification with the aggressor T
90. Defence mechanisms include sublimation T
91. Defence mechanisms include humour T
92. In psychoanalytic theory ego strength is a good predictor of outcome in psychotherapy T
93. In psychoanalytic theory ego strength is poor in borderline personality disorder T
94. In psychoanalytic theory Weakening of ego strength leads to psychotic illness F
95. In psychoanalytic theory ego strength is preserved by defence mechanisms T
96. according to the psychoanalytic theory Anxiety is due to threats from super ego forces T
97. according to the psychoanalytic theory Anxiety is due to threats from id forces T
98. according to the psychoanalytic theory Anxiety is a warning from ego T
99. according to the psychoanalytic theory Anxiety is always due to castration fears T
100. according to the psychoanalytic theory Anxiety improves with age F
101. according to psychoanalytic theory, OCD is understood as dramatisation F
102. according to psychoanalytic theory, OCD is always due to Oedipas conflict F
103. according to psychoanalytic theory, OCD reduces anxiety T
104. according to psychoanalytic theory, OCD reflects undoing T
105. according to psychoanalytic theory, OCD reflects projection F
106. Denial occurs in anorexia nervosa T
107. Denial occurs in PTSD F
108. Denial occurs in OCD F
109. Denial occurs in Grief T
110. Denial occurs in Hysteria T
111. According to the psychoanalytic theory, the id is inherently destructive T
112. According to the psychoanalytic theory, the id is the primitive aspect of the mind T
113. According to the psychoanalytic theory, the id negotiates with ego F
114. According to the psychoanalytic theory, the id is unconscious T
115. According to the psychoanalytic theory, the id is a reserve of psychic energy T
116. Super ego is the mature ego which is formed when neurotic conflict is resolved F
117. Super ego is formed by introjection of significant figures T
118. Super ego is completely unconscious F
119. Super ego is threatened by desire of immediate gratification from id
120. Super ego includes the ego ideal T
121. Mechanism occurring in dreams include Condensation T
122. Mechanism occurring in dreams include Displacement T
123. Mechanism occurring in dreams include Sublimation F
124. Mechanism occurring in dreams include Idealisation F
125. Mechanism occurring in dreams include projective identification F
126. Penis envy occurs in the Phallic stage of psychosexual development T
127. Fear of castration occurs in the Phallic stage of psychosexual development T
128. Oedipal complex occurs in the Phallic stage of psychosexual development T
129. Sibling rivalry occurs in the Phallic stage of psychosexual development F
130. In CBT the therapist recommends detraction from certain kind of thinking T
131. In CBT the therapist indulges in Socratic questioning T
132. In CBT the therapist urges exposure to feared situation
133. In CBT the therapist asks the patient to keep prospective records T
134. In CBT the therapist does not take history F
135. encourage free association to sample thought processes F
136. Features of id include having no concept of time T
137. Features of id include wish fulfilment T
138. The id is wholly unconscious F
139. Features of id include primary process thinking T
140. Features of id include Conscience F
141. Basic ego functions first described by Klein include defence against anxiety F
142. Basic ego functions first described by Klein include object relations T
143. Basic ego functions first described by Klein include individuation F
144. Basic ego functions first described by Klein include introjection F
145. Basic ego functions first described by Klein include Integration & Synthesis F
146. Nirvana is associated with the name of Freud T
147. Castration complex is associated with the name of Freud T
148. Individuation is associated with the name of Freud F
149. Organ Inferiority is associated with the name of Freud F
150. Reaction formation is so named as it was included in Newton’s second law F
151. Reaction formation is a defence mechanism T
152. Reaction formation helps to avert undesirable instinctive impulses T
153. Reaction formation is never seen in obsess ional personalities F
154. Reaction formation is synonymous with sublimation F
155. The depressive position was described by Bowlby as a phase in reaction to loss F
156. Disorganisation was described by Bowlby as a phase in reaction to loss F
157. Identification with loss object was described by Bowlby as a phase in reaction to loss F
158. Apathy was described by Bowlby as a phase in reaction to loss F
159. Protest was described by Bowlby as a phase in reaction to loss T
160. Elective complex is associated with the name of Melanie Klein F
161. The double bind is associated with the name of Melanie Klein F
162. Manic defence is associated with the name of Melanie Klein F
163. The paranoid position schizoid is associated with the name of Melanie Klein T
164. Displacement is a defence mechanism T
165. Sublimation is a defence mechanism T
166. Identification with the aggressor is a defence mechanism T
167. Paradoxical junction is a defence mechanism F
168. Regression to the means is a defence mechanism F
169. Denial renders the MSE invalid F
170. Denial is an active distortion of the reality F
171. Denial does not occur in normal people F
172. Denial is seen in anorexia nervosa T
173. Denial is a maladaptive coping mechanism F
174. Primal therapy F Arthur Janov
175. Melanie Klein is associated with projective identification T
176. Melanie Klein is associated with play analysis T
177. Melanie Klein is associated with the depressive position T
178. Repression id the main defence mechanism in paranoid schizoid position F
179. Paranoid schizoid position indicates a tendency to develop primary delusions
180. In paranoid schizoid position the child is capable of whole object recognition F
181. In paranoid schizoid position the child is unable to cope with ambivalence T
182. Paranoid schizoid position may be seen in schizophrenics as a mode of interaction T
183. Attachment behaviour can be intensified by rejection from parents T
184. Attachment behaviour rarely occurs with the father F
185. Attachment behaviour depends mainly on eye contact F
186. Attachment behaviour is impaired in children adopted after 2 years of age F
187. Attachment behaviour can be impaired if peri-natal complication lead to prolonged separation T
188. Transference is a source of acting out T
189. Transference is facilitated in psycho-dynamic psychotherapy T
190. Transference can be a hindrance in regaining insight T
191. Transference is prominent in narcissistic personality F
192. Transference is a premature super ego F
193. Counter transference is prominent in narcissistic PD T
194. In dynamic psychotherapy object loss is often associated with depression T
195. In dynamic psychotherapy object loss may be denied in pathological grief T
196. In dynamic psychotherapy object loss is often associated with manic states F
197. In dynamic psychotherapy object loss may have no bases in external reality T
198. In dynamic psychotherapy object loss applies only to the loss of a family member F
199. Denial characteristically occurs in Fugue states T
200. Denial characteristically occurs in Schizophrenia F
201. Nirvana is associated with Freud T
202. Individuation is associated with Freud F
203. Organ inferiority is associated with Freud F
204. Behavioural psychotherapy involves construction of an anxiety hierarchy T
205. Behavioural psychotherapy involves strict application of learning theory F
206. Behavioural psychotherapy involves the use of exposure when possible T
207. Behavioural psychotherapy involves functional analysis of the problem T
208. Behavioural psychotherapy involves the use of sublimation F
209. The paranoid schizoid position progresses to primary delusion F
210. The paranoid schizoid position indicates developmental delay in infants F
211. The paranoid schizoid position implies on ambivalent relationship with the mother F
212. The paranoid schizoid position means difficulties in getting on with other people F
213. The paranoid schizoid position commonly indicates depression F
214. Classical signs of grief include protest T
215. Classical signs of grief include manic defence F
216. Classical signs of grief include Protest F
217. Classical signs of grief include manic defence F
218. Classical signs of grief include Bargaining F
219. Classical signs of grief include Denial & numbness T
220. Classical signs of grief include having suicidal ideas F
221. A short stunned phase with blunted emotions may be seen in normal grief reactions T
222. reduced appetite may be seen in normal grief reactions T
223. early morning wakening may be seen in normal grief reactions T
224. Weight loss may be seen in normal grief reactions T
225. Inhibited grief may be regarded as a normal grief reaction F
226. The death of a spouse is associated with bereavement T
227. Moving home is associated with bereavement T
228. The death of a sexually abusing father is associated with bereavement T
229. The birth of a mentally handicapped child is associated with bereavement T
230. The likelihood of morbid grief increases in people with a history of depression T
231. The likelihood of morbid grief increases in those who had a dependent relationship with the dead person T
232. Excessive self reproach increases the likelihood of morbid grief T
233. Emotionally inadequate personality traits increases the likelihood of morbid grief T
234. Regular church goers are more likely to have morbid grief reactions F
235. Ego strength is useful in sustaining relationships T
236. Ego strength predicts good outcome in psychotherapy T
237. In psychoanalytic model of depression unresolved grief & depression are linked by object loss T
238. In psychoanalytic model of depression internalising rage is an aspect of progress therapeutically F
239. The ego is the expression of the defence pole of personality in neurotic conflict T
240. According to Klein The depressive position is reached around a year F 6 months
241. Freudian theory states that the reality principle expresses itself parapraxis F
242. Freud theory of dreams hold that, day residues play a key role in determining manifest content T
243. Avoidant attachment in childhood is typically associated with school refusal F
244. According to Ainsworth a securely attached child will be ambivalent when the mother returns after parting F
245. Bowlby described identification with the lost object as a phase in the reaction of a child to loss F
246. Sublimation occurs when an conscious fantasy is lived out impulsively F
247. According to Klein depressed patients suffer from concern that they may have destroyed loving objects through their own destructiveness & greed
248. Klein’s depressive position results from maternal deprivation F
249. Projection as a mental mechanism may be used to explain obsessional ruminations F
250. Undoing is considered to be a primitive defence mechanism F
251. The defence mechanism reaction formation is considered to play in the production of hysterical conversion symptoms F
252. Sublimation is a narcissistic defence mechanism F
253. Psychoanalytic theory holds that super ego is predominantly conscious F
254. Curative factors in group psychotherapy include catharsis T
255. In Rogerian client centred therapy, the therapist attitudes have no relevance F
256. Ego strength is the opposite of the depressive position F
257. Introversion was used by Eysenck as a dimension of personality T
258. Introversion is associated with obsessionality T
259. Freud’s structural model of the mind consists of the conscious , preconscious & unconscious F this is a topographical model , structural model consists of id , ego & super ego
260. The super ego develops in response to parental reward & punishment T
261. All defence mechanisms are pathological F they are pathological when they become the dominant mode of responding to problems.
262. Attachment behaviour & Stranger anxiety develop at approximately the same age T
263. Clear cut attachment develops in a child by 3 months of age F
264. The potential damage of separation from mother can be counter balanced by good social contact with others T
265. Transference is a response to counter transference F
266. Counter transference is feelings towards the patients evoked in the therapist T
267. Failure of super ego development is suggested as one of the core features of anti social PD T
268. Physical abuse & battering of a child is incompatible with the development of attachment behaviour F
269. According to Freud the system preconscious is a reservoir of memories subject to repression F
270. Q sort methodology was used by Yalom in his research on therapeutic factors in group therapy T
271. When receiving conflicting information about a person in one block we give greater weight to the item we hear last F
272. Introversion was a term used by Jury T
273. According to Eysenck introversion was the opposite of psychosis F
274. In the psychoanalytic theory of depression once the depressive position is reached guilt feelings are reduced F
275. Absence of grief is pathological T
276. According to Winnicott dreams are a disguised attempt at wish fulfilment F this was Freud’s theory.
277. A child shows separation anxiety only on separation from parents F attachment figure may be any one
278. The use of transitional objects such as a bear by a child indicates insecurity F this is a normal phase of development
279. According to Ainsworth there are 3 phases of separation from mother, protest, Despair & detachment F Bowlby stated this
280. Children with oppositional & deviant behaviour are at no more risk than other children of developing serious problems later on F
281. Testing the validity of maladaptive assumptions is an important strategy in psychodynamic therapy F this is employed in CBT
282. Above average intelligence is an important factor in selecting a patient for psychodynamic psychotherapy F
283. Reduction of anxiety is seen in psycho-dynamic terms as a secondary gain F
284. Dreaming is an example of primary process thinking T
285. Bion gave the concept of container & the contained T
286. Transference is absent in healthy individuals F
287. Repression is the pushing away of unacceptable ideas & emotions in to the unconscious T
288. Sadness & depression occur in the first stage of normal grief reaction F
289. According to Freud aggression is induced when expression of instinct is frustrated T
290. Attachment formation begins around 6 months T
291. According to Bowlby the stage of protest is harmless but despair & detachment can have long term consequences F
292. According to Freud the castration anxiety is the predominant fear of 2 year old child F
293. Motivation only for symptom relief is a necessary criterion for brief dynamic therapy F
294. According to Melanie Klein the depressive position predisposes to depression later in life F
295. Some degree of idealisation is normal part of an analytic relationship T
296. Transference occurs only in analytic setting F
297. Carl Jung gave the concept of animus & animal T
298. Abnormal grief is more likely when the death is sudden & unexpected T

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